The part golfing, part racing title from Hugecalf Studios and Secret Mode titled Turbo Golf Racing is entering its third season as of Monday (17th April). Twisted Space is the name and theme as the arcade sports racer takes on a space theme with new content to go with it.
Season 3 comes with 10 new levels, all dedicated to the twists of space. It also comes alongside two pieces of DLC content in the Tech Jet Supporters Pack ($3.99) and the Space Explorer’s Galactic Ball Set ($1.99).

Leaderboards from Season 1 and Season 2 have been reset, and the move into the third season includes both Casual and Ranked Matchmaking.
The roadmap for the title also gives a quick glimpse into the future of the title, which will include custom lobbies. Two new cores, the Trail Blazer and Off Roader, have been added to the fold as well.
Turbo Golf Racing is available to play now through Steam Early Access and over on the Xbox Game Pass Game Preview. Check out the notes for the new season and coinciding patch below.
TURBO GOLF RACING: SEASON 3 PATCH 8 – Twisted Space (v18806) NOTES
- Season 3: Twisted Space is upon us! Featuring new space levels, 40 season rewards, space music, a new lobby scene and gravity bending gameplay!
- We’ve added separate casual and ranked queues to compliment our new ranked system.
- The cores have been rebalanced and we’ve added two new ones: Trail Blazer and Off Roader!
- Now’s your chance to set a world record, the leaderboards and ranks have been reset.
- 40 rewards to obtain in Season 3!
- 10 new space levels, spotlighting twisted gravity!
- Casual queue has been added.
- New space lobby scene.
- 2 new downloadable content packs, featuring 15 items!
- Added Trail Blazer core, increasing speed on boost pads.
- Added Off Roader core, mitigating negative terrain effects on car and ball.
- 3 new space music tracks have been added!
- 10 new shop items.
- 8 new avatars will be awarded for Season 2 rating placement.
- New missions have been added for the new cores and car bodies.
- Switched to rank points, with new ranked buckets!
- Win counter has been updated to count ranked wins.
- Leaderboard prerequisite has been removed.
- Updated key art to space image.
- Updated logo to space version.
- Updated badge system to feature 7 badges.
- Hyper Glider only increases speed whilst boost is not depleted.
- Hot Head speed has increased.
- Stomp has reduced boost duration and no longer replenishes boost.
- Double Dash has increased dash power and reduced intermittent dash cooldown.
- Ice Lock freezes the ball until hit, providing unlimited boost whilst the ball is frozen.
- Spring Ball replenishes boost with every ball bounce.
- Big Shot replenishes boost with every ball hit.
- Sticky duration and speed boost have been decreased. Ball will now propel forward when Sticky times out.
- Core descriptions have been updated.
- Bots now show a time when all players finish a hole.
- Bot difficulty has been updated, creating different bot profiles.
- Bot cosmetic item pool has been reduced.
- All leaderboards have been reset, including time trial, wins and ranking. Data from season 1 and 2 can be accessed via Discord!
- Something More Advanced missions are no longer sequential.
- Learning The Basics now includes an additional party mission.
- Missions UI now have increased padding.
- Updated mission notifications to prevent clipping.
- Mission reward amounts have been updated.
- Obtained item currency replacement amounts have been updated.
- Item costs have been updated.
- Top bar in the lobby has been rearranged.
- Updated buttons across the game.
- Updated keybinds across the game.
- Seasons page displays amounts for currency rewards.
- Adventures panel arrows have been updated.
- Level name has been added to scoreboard.
- Ball indicator arrow size has been increased.
- Removed Sand Master and Rough Rider cores.
- Removed Sand Master and Rough Rider missions.
- Default steering sensitivity has been reduced.
- Updated default settings.
- Car selection car colours have been changed.
- Selectable cores have changed in the Cores tutorial.
- Tutorial scenario level images have been updated.
- Tooltip text across scenarios has been updated.
- Mission Success text size has been increased in tutorials.
- Prompt icons have been improved in tutorials.
- Screen now fades when a player cannot move in tutorials.
- Removed game HUD when selecting cores in tutorial.
- Default cores have been updated.
- Added sound fx when completing a mission.
- Added sound fx when opening an item crate.
- Added sound fx to the random core pick-up.
- Updated sound fx for Stomp and Big Shot.
- Finish and decal icons have been updated.
- Booster icons and display colours in the garage have been updated.
- Updated icons for Cannon ball, Contrail spoiler and V16 spoiler.
- Speed line visual effects have been updated.
- Fan and tunnel visual effects have been updated.
- Smoothed transitions from barriers to glass tunnels.
- Glass material has been updated across levels.
- Tree placement has been updated in Bull’s Eye.
- Adjusted fans in Broken Pretzel and Spots and Shots.
- Updated starting pad emissive colours.
- Updated started item visuals.
- Addressed localisation issues across missions.
- Addressed issue toggling ball camera between levels.
- Addressed crashes across xbox consoles.
- Addressed bugs arising from leaving the game open for long periods of time.
- Addressed skip in Curvy Corners.
- Fixed issue calculating rank points.
- Fixed bug caused by missiles in shot of the match.
- Fixed issues where car selection sometimes wouldn’t work.
- Addressed invisible pick-ups in City Gates and Walk In The Woods.
- Addressed glass tunnel smoothness in Precision Decisions.
- Addressed tunnel visual issues in City Gates, Terminal19 and Twisted Gardens.
- Addressed resets across Atl, Dustbowl, Factory Showdown, Inner City Circuit, Rocket Ramp and Spots and Shots.
- Addressed tunnel OOB in Terminal19 and Twisted Gardens.
- Updated incorrect rock material on Enter The Serpent.
- Addressed issues obtaining Activate, Just Another Day and Passing Time achievements.
- Updated missile incoming indicator to better reflect direction.
- Updated incorrect waterfall effects and sphere materials in Walk In The Woods.
- Addressed issue where online personal bests were not updating on leaderboards.
- Addressed localisation issues in French and Spanish.
- Addressed disconnecting idle players when bots are present in games.
- Addressed skipping tutorial flyover when restarting.
- Addressed core effects being present in tutorials.
- Addressed issue with ice lock and sticky effects persisting in levels.
- Addressed incorrect unlock description for Party Up avatar.
SOURCE: Turbo Golf Racing
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