Dave Cam takes on iRacing’s GR86 Cup – Week 2 at Okayama International

For iRacing’s 2023 Season 1 schedule, Dave Cam is entering into the new iRacing GR Cup Series, looking to score as many points as he can over the next 12 weeks.
Dave Cam takes on iRacing's GR86 Cup - Week 2 at Okayama International

Moving into the second week of 2023 iRacing Season 1, Dave Cam returns for the second round of the new official GR86 Cup season, recording his results for us here on the Traxion.GG YouTube channel.

This season, new to the 2023 Season 1 build, the Toyota GR86 is free-with-subscription to iRacing. With that, there’s a new official series on the calendar – the iRacing GR Cup Series – with its own 12 week series that’s keeping championship points across all races that turn official over the course of it all.

The schedule spans a healthy mix of included tracks with some paid content sprinkled in as well. The series is open to all iRacers, and this season, Dave is going for the gold. After barely losing at VIRginia last week, his next obstacle comes in the form of a 15-minute sprint at Okayama International Circuit.

This season, Dave is attempting to start and finish as well as he possibly can in each race in this series. He’ll qualify and go for wins week after week, keeping an eye on the official standings throughout the process. Today, Dave starts third at the 3.703-kilometer (2.3-miles) venue in Mimasaka, Japan.

Can Dave make up the points difference from 228th overall after his near victory last week at VIRginia? Make sure to check back in with the Traxion.GG website and the Traxion.GG YouTube page for even more Dave Cam, as well as all of the other great racing game content we’ve got!

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