Steam Early Access top-down racer GeneRally 2 is set to receive a new vehicle and two new tracks, among other improvements according to its latest Developer Blog.
Curious Chicken Games is currently working on its GeneRally 2 August patch, a month after shipping out the game’s first comprehensive update since hitting Steam Early Access at the end of May this year.
The July update added backwards compatibility for tracks from the original noughties racer GeneRally and the beginnings of an ‘Object Variation’ system.

The August update is set to add the Truck vehicle to the game, bringing the total to five. The truck mimics the gargantuan racing trucks seen racing worldwide, so expect long braking distances, sluggish handling and hopefully some diesel smoke.
To compliment the new vehicle, GeneRally 2’s track guru TuomoH has worked his magic on adding two Truck-suitable circuits to the game. No more information has been given on their makeup but we’d expect to see more wide-open space than other layouts.
More track editor objects are set to be added – and included in the ‘Object Variation’ system – with extra localisation support for Russian, Italian and Polish languages, with the UI set for a minor refresh.
Curious Chicken Games hasn’t specified a release date for the August update other than “at some point in August”, but we’ll be sure to cover it in full when it does drop.
GeneRally 2 is available to purchase on Steam now for £12.99.
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