FlatOut returns in VR for PC, Meta and PS VR2

Thomas Harrison-Lord
There is set to be a brand new virtual reality racing game across all major platforms when Flatout received a re-birth.
FlatOut returns in VR for PC, Meta and PS VR2

In a move that seldom anyone would predict, the FlatOut series has been resurrected on the 20th anniversary of the original – and in VR form.

Those with virtual reality headsets on PC using Steam VR, the Meta Quest 2 and 3 devices and even the PlayStation VR 2 will have access to the game when it is complete.

The series leans on extensive car damage as its forte, leading to frenetic racing action.

Of note, however, this is not based on the first two main games by Bugbear Entertainment. The franchise split from the Finish developers in the ‘00s, while it went on to make Ridge Racer Unbounded, Wreckfest and the upcoming Wreckfest 2.

Team6 Game Studios created FlatOut 3 in 2011, while current Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown and Endurance Motorsport Series developers Kylotonn (KT Racing) created Flatout 4: Total Insanity in 2017.

It’s this latter title that VR porting outfit Flat2VR Studios has used for the basis of the headset-wearing reboot – entitled Flatout VR (with a lowercase ‘o’).

Flatout VR Flat2VR Studios

This will be one of many projects the company will be undertaking, turning existing flat games into something compatible with virtual reality.

Perhaps notably, the trailer does not appear to have been captured in VR, relying on bumper and bonnet camera perspectives.

No release date has been provided, with the only statement so far being that “VR development [has been] started.”

Flatout VR at a glance

Flat2VR Studios parting 2017’s Flatout 4: Total Insanity to virtual reality

Being created for Steam VR, Meta Quest 2 and 3 plus PS VR2

No release date or window known presently

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