The Formula E Gen2 car, test rack and three circuits within rFactor 2 have just received a significant update.
Recently, the game added Attack Mode and energy conservation to the Formula E content, ahead of the Formula E: Accelerate esports series, and earlier this month added the Diriyah E-Prix venue. Now the game has features further refinements.
From the car point of view, this update is minor as certain liveries have been updated based upon manufacturer feedback. It’s the tracks that have received the most attention.

Starting with Electric Docks, or Lester, the test track has received many tweaks, of which we will list at the bottom of this article. The highlights being stricter track cut detection, improvements to the shadows, updated crowds, a tighter turn one chicane, and the tyre stacks replaced with Tec Pro. This should make for a significantly different driving experience.
On to the official tracks now, the Hong Kong, New York and Berlin E-Prix layouts, all of which receive minor advertising and road surface updates plus the fixing of cut detection issues. The New York venue receives an update to the pit official animations and reduced bumpiness. Berlin also fixes pit worker animations and the irradSpecular and refmap texture flag issues, while the Hong Kong track has had the pit official SCN error resolved.
As ever, we’ll keep you updated with any rFactor 2 developments and the full patch notes are below. What do you think? Let us know on social media if you’re looking forward to trying out these latest Formula E updates.
rFactor 2 Formula E March 2021 update notes
Gen2 Formula E Car v1.37
- Updated liveries based on manufacturer feedback
Hong Kong E-Prix Circuit v1.25
- Fixed: Pit official SCN error
- Fixed: Cut Detection Issues
- Fixed: Minor Material Updates to Road Surfaces
- Fixed: Various material errors
- Minor Advertisement Updates
Berlin E-Prix Circuit v1.25
- Fixed :Closed terrain gaps, new rrbins, fixed lines mapping
- Fixed: Hat collision on two objects
- Fixed: Pitworker animation
- Fixed: irradSpecular and refmap texture flag issues
- Fixed: Cut Detection Issues
- Fixed: Minor Material Updates to Road Surfaces
- Moved Atmospherics to GDB file
- Minor Advertisement Updates
New York E-Prix Circuit v1.19
- Fixed: Pit officials animation update
- Fixed: irradSpecular and refmap texture flag issues
- Fixed: Set atmospherics
- Fixed: Cut Detection Issues
- Fixed: Minor Material Updates to Road Surfaces
- Reduced bumpiness in TDF
- Rdt balancing
- More safe cut settings
- Minor Advertisement Updates
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