What the future holds for Gran Turismo 7

Justin Melillo
What the future holds for Gran Turismo 7

Just before the launch of Gran Turismo 7, on 3rd March, the official website released a Future Updates Preview. Truth be told, there wasn’t a lot there that wasn’t either already implied or extremely obvious.

For the most part, the developers are promising future content for the game in several areas as well as some improvements already scheduled to appear at some point.

The list was as follows:

  • New courses
  • New cars
  • More Mission races
  • New World Circuit events
  • More Music Rally songs
  • More engine parts to swap
  • New Lobby features
  • New Time Trials for ‘Sport’ mode
  • Improvements to the penalty algorithm and overall quality of online races

Expect new venues, new vehicles, more things to do in different game types, and more customization. On top of that, Lobby options will get buffed, Sport mode will get new Time Trials, and online racing will receive already needed improvements.

We already know from previous coverage of this game that things like the Tesla Model 3 will be added in future editions of the game. We also don’t know the exact full car list available at launch, just what we can find for sure at the Brand Central.

Plus, there is hope to eventually add Gran Turismo Sophy to the fold. However, we can dig deeper and speculate a little based on a few things we do already know.


As it stands, the online lobbies for Gran Turismo 7 are a bit of a disappointment. Players can create a lobby and host other players, but once the lobby is created, no settings can be changed.

Players would have to leave and the host would need to make a new lobby. The only host option once the lobby is created is to start the race.

This hasn’t always been the case with online play on Gran Turismo, so this is a slight let down and somewhat cumbersome when hosting a group that wants to play different combinations.

However, with “new lobby features” listed as something to be coming, we expect more options once the lobby has launched to come at some point.


Looking through the list of trophies available on Gran Turismo 7, one stands out as it has a 0.0 percent completion, something that nobody has been able to do yet. Even further, it references something that doesn’t appear to be in the game at this time.

The trophy is called Rain Royalty and the description reads that it is earned when you have “acquired your Rain License.”

Well, there are five license types currently, each with 10 challenges. Those are the standard National B and A, International B and A, and the Super License levels.

Nothing particular about a “Rain” license, however. This could be a teaser for a future addition to the license test… although there are truly no guarantees when it comes to this sort of thing.

It could be that the trophy could come in the form of a future Mission Race or something like that. There are already six groups of events full of optional fun stuff, and we know we’ll get more there as well. Stay tuned, rather, keep it pinned, because I don’t know if we’ve fully cracked this case yet.

Do you have a copy of GT7 already? What’s on your wishlist so far, if anything? Let us know in the comments below!

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