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WATCH: We’ve driven Rennsport’s new content

Hands-on driving impressions and gameplay of the Praga R1 within Rennsport’s latest build, including Monza.

Rennsport, But Not GT3! Praga Hands-On GAMEPLAY

*Remember, this a work-in-progress beta build, so the gameplay footage is not a representation of any final product.*

Yes, you read the title correctly. We are in Munich, at the Rennsport and ESL R1 summit. John was able to test drive the new Praga R1 at Monza which was also announced this weekend.

Both this car and the track will be in the closed beta, which begins rollings out on 6th June 2023. What did he think of the handling and the physics? How does it compare to other sims? Watch to find out!

Stay tuned, we’ll have more about Rennsport in the coming days.