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PSP cop chase thriller, Pursuit Force, headed to PS4 and PS5

Part of PlayStation Plus Premium’s classics collection, the portable title will be available for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 devices in May.

Pursuit Force PSP 2005

Part of a growing list of retro Sony-exclusive driving games added to the subscription service, it joins the likes of Ridge Racer Type 4 and Ridge Racer 2.

Released for the PlayStation Portable in 2005, it was developed by an offshoot of Evolution Studios (Motorstorm, Driveclub and now technically Need for Speed) Bigbig.

Pursuit Force motorcycle

It sees you playing a young, up-and-coming cop who must tackle rising crime by chasing after convicts and jumping between vehicles like a Fast & Furious stunt. Action is spread mostly across cars and boats, although there are motorcycles.

A curious mix of Outrun, Chase HQ and Stuntman, Pursuit Force did see a sequel two years later, before the team then went on to reach its zenith with MotorStorm: Arctic Edge.

The PSP's cop chase thriller, Pursuit Force, headed to current consoles

As with the other PSP conversions released so far, it will feature up-rendering, a rewind option, quick save and custom video filters. The images you see here are of the original 2005 release.

It will be part of the downloadable collection from 16th May 2023. Are we the only ones who remember this game and long for a return of a portable PlayStation device? Let us know in the comments below.