Monster Energy Supercross 6 launches March 2023, new AI and ranked online

Thomas Harrison-Lord
The official game of the dirt motorcycle series, Monster Energy Supercross 6, will launch in March 2023 with revised AI, a new training mode and for the first time, ranked online multiplayer.
Monster Energy Supercross 6 launches March 2023, new AI and rider settings

The sixth instalment of the official Monster Energy Supercross dirt bike series has been unveiled, like clockwork, ahead of a March 2023 release for console and PC.

Recreating the Feld Motor Sports-owned motorcycle series that takes place predominately in North American stadium venues, Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Videogame 6 will feature the same tracks, riders, bikes and teams. But, it also includes rider training, a career mode, an open-world area and multiplayer.

New Supercross Academy

Out goes Ricky Carmichael and the Futures Academy from 2021’s Supercross 5, in comes the “King of Supercross” Jeremy McGrath and the Supercross Academy.

Last year’s edition had a basic tutorial, followed by optional training sessions voiced woodenly by Carmichael. This time around, we how McGrath has a more free-flowing approach to guidance.

Further rider aid settings have been added for newcomers, alongside bike set-up explainers. Your AI-controlled rivals are said to have also received a tune-up.

Monster Energy Supercross 6 flow rider aid

Supercross Park

Milanese developer Milestone is often fond of inserting an open-world environment into its motocross and supercross titles to sit alongside the official tracks.

Generally, they are light-hearted asides but vary in quality. Supercross 4‘s seemed like an afterthought, for example, but in last year’s release, it was fun to collect the SHAPE letters.

Monster Energy Supercross 6 Supercross Park

This time around there’s Supercross Park which includes five unique areas, available to play solo or online with friends. It’s within this area the McGrath training sessions will be housed.

Rhythm Attack

A new game mode, Rhythm Attack is a one-vs-one race mode across a straight, but bumpy, section of track.

Short and sharp, timing your rider’s movements with the flow of the track will be the key to success.

If you think this sounds like one of MX vs ATV Legend‘s event types, you’d be right. On paper, it’s identical.

Cross-platform ranked online play

A post-release addition to MotoGP 22 and Hot Wheels Unleashed – both by the same developer – cross-platform online multiplayer will be in Supercross 6 from launch.

Split-screen local multiplayer, introduced in 5, will also make a welcome return.

Monster Energy Supercross 6 ranked online multiplayer

The biggest news, however, is an online banking system. A first for Milestone, this is something I’ve personally been requesting for several years now to help incentive online racing. By far and away the most important new feature, not just for Supercross, but all future titles by the Italian developer.

Returning track and helmet editors

Of course, the ability to create and share helmet designs and entire tracks will remain, as will an in-depth career mode with rider skill trees and the Rider Shape System that factors in injuries and recovery periods.

Monster Energy Supercross 6, PC and console video game

Monster Energy Supercross 6 release date

Monster Energy Supercross 6 will release on 9th March 2023 for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

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