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Hype Beast Trophy and Achievement guide, Monster Energy Supercross 6

A guide to the Hype Beast Trophy and Achievement within the Monster Energy Supercross 6 video game, and how to unlock presets.

Hype Beast Trophy and Achievement guide, Monster Energy Supercross 6

The Hype Beast Silver Trophy (PlayStation) and 30 Gamerscore (Xbox) achievement in Monster Energy Supercross 6 requires the following to unlock: 

“Unlock at least 3 Presets of different Official Teams in Career Mode.” 

But what are the ‘presets’ and how to obtain them? Let’s find out… 

What’s a preset in Supercross 6? 

A preset in Monster Energy Supercross 6 are ‘styles’ that match real-world SX teams and riders – in the form of liveries and suit designs.  

Make it to the Pro 450 class in Career 

In order to make it to the point where presets can be unlocked, you must play through the main career mode and enter the ‘Pro’ category, which runs 450 motorcycles. 

Not the entry ‘Futures’ or ‘Rookie’ categories, which must be completed to unlock the top tier. 

Monster Energy Supercross 6 - championship select
In this picture, only Futures is available – but complete both Futures and Rookie in the Career, and you’ll be able to unlock presets in the Pro category

Select a team 

Upon signing for a team in the Pro 450 class, in the contract selection process, you will be greeted with several options. 

You’ll notice that if you achieve an objective set by a team, a preset shall be gifted to you. For example, being first in the standings when the contract ends. 

Monster Energy Supercross 6 - contract offers, preset objective

Don’t ride for a sponsor 

Importantly, you can run your own team by selecting a ‘sponsor’ or ride for a real-world ‘official’ team. This Trophy or Achievement is impossible if you ride for a ‘sponsor’. 

Switch teams 

As you progress through the 450 Pro career, there will be at times opportunities to switch teams. If you’ve met your objective and unlocked at least one preset already, then switch to another official team, meet its objective and unlock a second preset. 

Monster Energy Supercross 6 riding for an official team, presets

Meet three team’s objectives and you’ll have unlocked three presets – job done, well done!