Gomez Sim Industries announced its latest entry-level sim racing steering wheel, the X-29. Revealed earlier in the month, the company recently revealed when virtual racers can get their hands on the new rim.
While a $650 USD price tag might still seem steep, for GSI, it will be their cheapest wheel on the market to date, coming in just under their existing GXL Pro which costs $875 USD.

It comes shaped in a formula-style grip and button pattern, and for an “entry-level” option, it’s still loaded with many of the usual GSI options and features.
This thing comes with 10 LED-lit push buttons, a pair of multi switches, a trio of rotary encoders and on the back of the base model, a pair of hand shifters. For a larger price tag, those paddles can be doubled to include both a pair of shifters and a dual clutch system.

It’s said to work with most wheelbases on PC with the proper (optional) hub adapters, including Simucube, Simagic, VRS DirectForce Pro, Accuforce (via Accuforce QR) and the Fanatec DD Bases with one of its Podium Hubs.
Preorders for the X-29 Steering Wheel start on the 1st of May 2023 over on the GSI site.
SOURCE: Gomez Sim Industries
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