NASCAR 21: Ignition now on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S in native 4K, 30fps

Thomas Harrison-Lord
PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions of NASCAR 21: Ignition are now available, and a free upgrade to existing owners. Quicker loading times, crisper visuals but still 30fps.
NASCAR 21: Ignition now on PS5 and Xbox Series X S in native 4K, 30fps

A new update, ‘Patch 1.5’ to be precise, has just landed for the embattled racing game NASCAR 21: Ignition – and it has provided native support for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, with the new versions available now as a free upgrade.

Enhanced resolution, but not frame rate

What that boils down to is native 4K resolution on PS5 and Xbox Series X, and upscaled 4K for the Xbox Series S. The existing PS4 and Xbox One versions were not able to hit the higher visual fidelity levels.

The difference is noticeable, with crisper vehicle and livery detailing – even your crew chief looks marginally clearer.

NASCAR 21 Ignition PS4
NASCAR 21 Ignition PS4
NASCAR 21 Ignition PS5
NASCAR 21 Ignition PS5

Sadly, there doesn’t appear to be a similar bump in frame rates to match the higher resolution. The 30 frames per second performance is underwhelming when the majority of major racing titles on these contemporary machines manage at least 60fps.

One thing not in the changelog that we’ve noticed is rapidly quicker loading times. Starting a single race at Road America on the last-generation devices took over 30 seconds, now that’s down to just over 11.

Cross-generational online multiplayer

With this latest update, those racing online with the PS5 version can race those on a PS4, and those on an Xbox One can race those on an Xbox Series X|S – but not a PlayStation against an Xbox and vice versa.

The PS5 version also received Accolade support. Following an online race, you can deliver a little rating of sorts to fellow drivers; either helpful, welcoming or good sport.

NASCAR 21: IGNITION PS5 gameplay

Save transfers

If you have progressed through your NASCAR 21: Ignition career on the older consoles and want to continue on the newer device, the game now also supports the transferring of game saves.

NASCAR 21: Ignition PS4 save transfer

A word of warning, to do so, you must first load the existing version and visit the general settings screen, then select ‘prepare saved data to transfer’. Then fire up the new version, visit the same general settings screen and select

NASCAR 21: Ignition PS5 save transfer

To make sure you have the latest version, on PS5 for example, simply visit the PlayStation Store and install the PS5 version of NASCAR 21: Ignition, which will be no additional charge.

The release follows the news that there will be no new NASCAR game in 2022, with developer Motorsport Games committing to a new title in 2023 not based on the same technology as Ignition. Several fundamental flaws with the game’s AI, timing and wheel support remain.

NASCAR 21: Ignition PS5 download

In a recent roadmap, it stated that Ignition will continue to be supported, however, with today’s (23rd June) console update followed by further tweaks and a 2023 real-world season expansion in September.

There are also several bug fixes and small changes which apply to all platforms, with the full changelog below.

NASCAR 21: Ignition Patch 1.5 update changelog


  • 4K resolution at 30 FPS for Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 
  • 4k upscaling at 30 FPS for Xbox Series S 
  • Online cross-generation console gameplay  
  • Save imports from previous generation consoles 
  • Support for PlayStation 5 activities 


  • Fixed an issue for Career Mode where players were appearing under their car
  • Fixed an issue where anti-lock brake system was stuck on
  • Fixed an issue where sponsored logo’s light was heavily reflected on the cars while on track


  • Fixed an issue with the lighting at some of the night race tracks


  • Fixed an issue in which high assists caused difficulties while pitting at certain tracks


  • Fixed an issue in which the AI are driving off the apron and cutting corners short at Homestead
  • Fixed an issue in which AI takes control of a user’s car when passing next to the pit stop entrance


  • Fixed an issue that showed miscellaneous stats incorrectly for stages in standings menu
  • Fixed an issue in which a quick selection of options from the Garage Pause Menu would trigger a softlock
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the title to crash while being idle in Race Results screen at COTA after unlocking the “Road Course Ringer” and “Winner” trophies

Full disclosure – Traxion.GG is part of Motorsport Games and the Motorsport Games family of brands. All Traxion.GG content is editorially removed from Motorsport Games video game development and created by a dedicated team.

Source: NASCAR 21: Ignition

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