It hasn’t been the smoothest start for the team behind MX vs ATV Legends. After a lackluster launch compounded by a base of a game that felt unfinished, more work has gone into since its launch in July.
However, the v1.12 patch that launched on 27th October (Thursday) – and 31st October for PlayStation – should hopefully bring new life to the title with some improvements, additions and fixes to the title.
A standout area in the patch notes includes the fact that there will be a “more fluid and reactive rider” together with a “more grounded bike” which should hopefully give players a better level of realistic looks, and therefore, immersion.

Different bikes and surfaces should provide different and improved experiences starting in this update, as physics and properties have been adjusted. More items are updated to 2022 specifications as well, and a host of additions in the customizations area are also included.
While the patch was listed on the 27th, the PS4 patch specifically was pushed out earlier on Monday (31st October). The full changelog is listed below. Have you found these updates to be better for the title? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
- Overhauled MX riding animations to produce a more fluid and reactive rider and a more grounded bike – more coming in following patches
- Added Skin Tone selection to Locker menu
- Added Graphic Kits to MX Bikes in Garage menu
- Added a simple colorizable seat to all vehicles
- Added Airoh Aviator helmets
- Added Fox Raceway II to 2022 AMA Pro Motocross Championship
- Updated all 2022 AMA Pro Motocross Championship track layouts
- Increased the fidelity of the terrain driving experience for all tracks in 2022 AMA Pro Motocross Championship
- Improved strength and general appearance of terrain deformation to all tracks in 2022 AMA Pro Motocross Championship
- Added setting to allow player control of terrain-deformation strength for exhibition and online custom events
- Improved overall audio mix
- Made landing and collision sounds more audible and scale with impact force
- Increased online multiplayer Squad size to 16 players
- Minor tweaks to suspension and whips to improve behavior and appearance and to make each bike feel slightly different
- Increased effects different surface types have on driving behavior, especially sand and mud
- Adjusted speed and shaping of terrain deformation on different surface types
- Adjusted weight and power of 250 two-strokes so they aren’t faster than 450F’s
Detailed changelog
- DLC: Updated track layouts and obstacles to be consistent with the 2022 AMA Pro Motocross Championship live events
- DLC: Fixed Time Trial start in 2022 Unadilla
- DLC: Small visual and performance improvements in 2022 Thunder Valley, Budds Creek, Washougal, Loretta Lynn’s, and Spring Creek
- DLC: Increased the fidelity of the terrain collision for all 2022 Pro Motocross tracks; improves jump take-off, berm and rut hook-up, deformation, and general continuity with the visual terrain
- DLC: Resolved issues which caused the strength of terrain deformation in some 2022 Pro Motocross tracks to be weaker than that of other tracks
- DLC: Increased the fidelity of terrain deformation and improved general appearance of terrain deformation in all 2022 Pro Motocross tracks
- Gameplay: Resolved an infrequent crash when changing events
- Gameplay: Reduced start timer in Time Trial, now almost instant
- Gameplay: Reduced instances of bad or sideways resets in Trails and Nationals
- Gameplay: Fixed minor track and AI bugs in Supercross
- Gameplay: Added setting to allow player control of terrain-deformation strength for exhibition and online custom events
- Animation: Fixed twisting on MX Bike rear suspension during whips
- Animation: Fixed leaning menu rider and NPCs
- Animation: Updated MX Bike riding animations to produce a more fluid and reactive rider
- Animation: Fixed rider’s sitting position on certain DLC bikes to prevent sinking into the seat.
- Animation: Improved contact of the rider’s hands with the grips of the MX Bike
- Animation: Addressed bugs which cause the rider to stop reacting to impacts.
- Animation: Fixed issue which could cause the rear shock, grips, and handlebars to move when changing parts in the Garage
- Physics: Added new Physics Behaviors when riding on different surface types
- Physics: Leaning & turning in mud and sand is less reactive and more sluggish, softer deformation physics feedback
- Physics: Leaning & turning on gravel, asphalt, and hard-packed surfaces is quicker and more responsive, stiffer deformation physics feedback
- Physics: Added a “wobble” effect when driving in mud or sand, the effect is more pronounced at lower speeds, simulates the front tire being pulled left and right; leaning back lessens the effect
- Physics: Terrain deformation will now buildup more bumps and ruts, strength depends on the track and surface type
- Physics: 250 Two-Strokes are now a little heavier with less power, bringing them closer to the 450Fs in terms of performance
- Physics: Minor tweaks to MX Bikes whips to improve feeling and appearance, whip settings are slightly different all bikes
- Physics: Minor tweaks to MX Bikes to improve suspension sag/compression and make each bike feel slightly different
- Physics: Slightly weakened Clutch-boost across all MX Bikes
- Physics: Adjusted both Level 3 Chassis tuning parts on MX Bikes to slightly lessen the difference between them
- Physics: Fixed issue which made hydroplaning way too easy on MX Bikes with the Soft Suspension L3 equipped
- AI: Improved AI skill and speed in some Supercross tracks
- Environment: Resolved minor lighting issue on catch fences in Supercross
- Environment: Improved performance in Salt Lake SX
- Environment: Slight lighting tweaks in Nationals track maps
- Environment: Slight lighting tweaks in the Vallis map
- Audio: Fixed overlapping music during game startup
- Audio: Numerous changes to Vehicle Engine audio
- Audio: Balanced volumes on most UI sounds
- Audio: Improved various Ambience and Terrain Drive-on sounds
- Audio: Changed music mix placement
- Audio: Increased overall perceived reverb
- Audio: Fixed overall volume to be more in line with standard practices.
- Audio: Landing sounds more audible
- Audio: Landing and collision sounds now scale with impact force
- UI: Fixed sorting of items in locker menus
- UI: Added in-game DLC purchase flows for Vehicles and Tracks
- UI: Holeshot tracked properly in Race Results when Online
- UI: Fixed various minor issues/oddities in Post-Race controls when Online
- UI: Cleaned-up Career timeline snapping in ATV and UTV
- UI: Improved speed and performance of the Pause menu, especially when navigating Exhibition menus
- UI: Fixed bugs which could cause incompatible vehicles to be present in the Garage when playing Online
- UI: Added Stunt HUD to Freeride and Lobbies when playing Online
- UI: Fixed sorting of players in Race Results when Online
- Customization: Added Skin Tone selection; 5 skin tones
- Customization: Added Graphic Kits to all MX Bikes (In-house and OEM); 5 graphic kits
- Customization: Added a simple colorizable seat to all vehicles
- Customization: Added Airoh Aviator helmets; 3 variations
- Online: Improved error handling and messaging for expired sessions
- Online: Improved error handling and messaging for DLC maps
- Online: Prevent a player from joining a session they are already in
- Online: Prevent access to crowd areas during Online Lobby
- Online: Increased Squad size to 16 players
- Online: Fixed issues at online race start causing players to get stuck at start gate when joining late
- Vehicle: Improved appearance of handlebars area in Helmet Cam
- Vehicle: Improved appearance of UTV lights in Garage
SOURCE: MX vs ATV Legends website
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