The diminutive new karting game from the creators of Circuit Superstars has a release date – and it’s in just one day’s time.
Following a free demo on PC via Steam released on the 6th September, plus our developer interview and hands-on preview, things are moving quickly.
Karting Superstars has been in development by the Original Fire Games team for just over a month, based upon, but revised, its previous 2021 title. It sees you driving in a kart from the chase-camera perspective in either time trial, online multiplayer, Kartcoe (race creator) or Kartcade (unlockable cosmetic items) modes.
“We definitely want to support the title with more tracks, customisation options, with iterations on systems that we ship with, but it’s really a matter of the title picking up our fanbase and backing us plus new people being interested in the game,” said Founder and Studio Lead Carolina Mastretta to Traxion.GG recently.
“We’re hoping that the initial launch can propel us in the direction of supporting the title and to growing into what it can because we feel the potential of it.”

Pricing has not yet been announced, but you can buy and play Karting Superstars via Early Access from 13th September 2023.
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