In a world filled with hybrids and electric vehicles, called a game ‘Gas Guzzlers’ may seem a little outmoded, but that’s kind of the modus operandi of this game that will see Mad-Max inspired cars do battle with guns and missile launchers.
A shrinking violet it most certainly isn’t.

After a release on PC via Steam in 2013, Xbox One in 2016 and then on PS4 in 2019, it’s back once again for yet another re-release this time as a physical edition for PS4 and Nintendo Switch through US retailer GameStop.
In a strange move, the information supplied states a PS4 and Switch versions will release in November 2021 with the PS5 releasing available in 2022. Gamestop’s website lists the Switch version available from 26th October 2021 and the PS5 from 31st December 2021. Take your pick, it will hopefully turn up at some point.

These new versions are bundled with three previous DLC packs: Full Metal Frenzy, Full Metal Zombie and Combat Carnage. It’s filled with 18 customisable cars, 40 tracks, eight arenas, seven different environments and a zombie troll.
But numbers on a screen won’t be the deciding factor, the gameplay will be, and this is ultimately an eight-year-old game repackaged for those who can’t wait any longer for a new Twisted Metal game.
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