Forget Daytona USA, THIS is the game Sega should have pitted against Ridge Racer
Justin Towell rediscovers a potential classic that was completely overlooked – Hang On GP 95.

Justin Towell rediscovers a potential classic that was completely overlooked – Hang On GP 95.
Justin Towell opens Pandora’s DOSbox and steps back into a simpler time.
Justin Towell dons his white gloves and zooms off into the portal after Shadow.
Justin Towell dusts off his Arcade Racer steering wheel and takes a ’95 Ferrari for a spin
Justin Towell dons his pixellated racing gloves to run the rule over Playtonic Friends’ Victory Heat Rally.
Justin Towell finds out managing an F1 team isn’t all ‘shoeys’ and Spice Girls.
Justin Towell deals with hungover drivers and ’70s safety standards in Funselektor’s latest – a 2D motorsport management game.
Justin Towell trades wheels for giraffes in Triband’s bizarre take on the driving game genre, What the Car?
Justin Towell finds two new AI rivals to add to his list. In red. Underlined.
Justin Towell goes hands-on with a modern retro-style title, Super Retro GP, which feels like a tribute to an all-time great, Virtual Racing.