The news follows a teaser tweet from the developers, which shows the existing two cars and then the remaining Gran Touring Prototype vehicles that would complete the 2023 class.
All four vehicles are in action in the real-world this weekend at Road America for the eighth round of the US-based championship – with Forza Motorsport also teasing something during the same event.
Note the post specifically states ‘IMSA GTP’. While the Cadillac and Porsche also run in the FIA WEC under the LMDh banner, with BMW following suit in 2024, the likes of the Ferrari 499P and Peugeot 9X8 are Le Mans Hypercar vehicles and not run in the IMSA series as it stands, ruling them out of this particular reveal.
Similarly, the Lamborghini SC63, which could be an option here so be sure to let us know in the comments if that turns out to be true, isn’t set to enter a competitive race in either series until 2024. Hence, we believe this is the Acura ARX-06 and Porsche 963.
Depending on the date of their release, which is to be confirmed, it would make a simulation debut for the Acura, and while the Porsche has been unveiled for both Le Mans Ultimate and Rennsport, there’s a chance the iRacing version beats them both to market.
The BMW M Hybrid V8 was released as optional DLC for iRacing in December 2022, while the Cadillac V-Series.R became available in June 2023. iRacing’s fourth season for this year is expected in September.
Image source: #10 Konica Minolta Acura ARX-06, GTP and #7 Porsche Penske Motorsports 963 GTP, Laguna Seca 2023, Richard Dole, Motorsport Images