In playing World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing from iRacing and Monster Games for the last week or so, I’ve been heavily focused on maximizing my career in the game’s Career Mode.
A non-linear race to the top, World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing provides a fairly substantial amount of content in its main mode. There are six different racing machines to race in, including Sprint Cars, Late Models and a Street Stock. However, there’s more than just racing to do in one of the main focuses of the title.
Having now gotten to the National level of racing, I’ve compiled a list of tips, as well as other things to watch out for as you ascend the dirt racing ladder to the top of the World of Outlaws.

Players start off their career with two choices. As there are two main racing series at the top level of the World of Outlaws, there are two types of racing vehicles to choose from at the start of your career as a team owner / driver / manager / principal.
On one side, there’s the 305 Sprint Car, a winged open wheel single seater purpose built for these dirty ovals. The other side, there’s a Street Stock, an old Monte Carlo looking coupe with fenders around the wheels.
Essentially, there are two World of Outlaws paths, one of which is the Sprint Car path with more powerful versions as you progress higher. The other path is the Late Models, a closed wheel, fully-fendered path that will see more physicality in their races. Make contact in a Sprint Car, more than not it ends poorly.

Before you can handle the power of either one of those top level cars, you’ll need to get the hang of things in something a little less speedy, that being either the 305 Sprint or the Street Stock. You can only buy one at first, but if you get enough cash with one, you can get the other later on.
It really is up to you how you want to take your career. There is no master calendar – each series in the Local, Regional and National level all operate separately from one another. You can run 10 seasons of Street Stocks in the same amount of progression time as a single season of the 305 Sprints.
If you want to only drive the Street Stock, then go ahead and build a top level Street Stock team, I wouldn’t blame you honestly. That’s what I’ve been working on personally in the Local and Regional ranks. The choice is completely yours, make it what you want it to be.

While there are so many different cars and tracks to race with and on, not every combination is going to be everyone’s favorite. If you feel like you’re getting bogged down too much in your career, why not call in a replacement?
The replacement drivers are setup in a way where they’ll take a cut of the earnings, but you’ll get all the benefits of points, sponsorship goals, and most importantly, not having to race that combination yourself.
Different drivers available will have different attributes, whether they’re “Very Cautious”, “Moderate” or “Reckless” in their driving style. More skilled drivers will take more of a prize cut, but they’ll likely give you the best finish as well.

If you’ve gone through the ranks and realize that you’ve never won those Local or Regional titles along the way, just set up the shortest possible season and go eat.
Even if it’s a four race season at the local level, the 1/3 regulation, which is three if you don’t have the Limaland DLC, it counts.

Longer seasons are good if you want to get the most out of a certain car class. Regulation seasons can be long, but you’ll get to experience a broader selection of tracks.
Going a step further, you can also set your desired race distance as well. If you want to fly through races, pick 20%. You can also do super long races, including up to 200% of the real-world race lengths.
Players can choose to have yellow flags on, whether it’s strict or relaxed, and if you really want it easy, drop the AI down to the easiest difficulty.

Don’t spend if you don’t need to! If you’re solely looking to move up the ladder in Sprint Cars, then spend towards upgrading your Sprint Car. When I went Regional racing, I tried to keep all four of my cars up to par. Later on, I found when I finally could go National racing that I couldn’t afford either of the top cars.
Both the World of Outlaws 410 Sprint and World of Outlaws Late Model will cost $400,000 to just get the car. The upgrades from there are higher than all the other cars as well. If you try to be competitive in all the series at first, you will struggle when you can finally afford to get into the top level, guaranteed.
Make sure you spend smart. You don’t need to be fixing the car after every race… well, unless you’ve been wrecking it up and the car falls into disrepair. Keep it clean, that durability will stay green and you likely could go two or even three races before spending on a repair bill.

Even if the logo isn’t what you were hoping for in a sponsorship for your totally rad paint scheme, you need to pick what’s best for business. Make sure you have selected the right sponsor, maybe not the one that gives you the most up front, but the one that will pay you more over time.
There are also goals to hit, and choosing the one you know you can is the key. Don’t pick the goals that you either can’t make or won’t make at whatever point it is in your career.
Yeah, that large sum of money might look good to get, but if you’ve been finishing ten spots lower than that, choose what fits your level and make sure you’re getting something.

Bigger and better sponsors will come as you progress through the career, so don’t think once you make a choice that you’ll be stuck with something like “Extra Value” or “Circle Lake Paint Store” forever.
Another financial call, but you’ve got people you can hire to get you more bang for your buck every race event. Having the right people in the right places is crucial, so don’t be putting your best people in you least desired series.

There are three different jobs to fill on each car you own:
- Sponsor Agents – can get you extra money for signing sponsors and hitting the incentives.
- Mechanics – will save you money in both new parts and repairs.
- Crew Chiefs – add on to the tangibles earned dependent on the Proficiency you’re at in that particular car.
More people will join the pool to hire from as you progress in your career.

Each car will have its own Proficiency level. It starts at LOW and goes up to LEGEND. While there are no bonuses when you start out, moving up each rank will get you added bonuses of fans and sponsor payouts depending on where you stand in the Proficiency.
The Proficiency levels are:
- LOW (0% fans bonus, 0% sponsor bonus) (White)
- AMATEUR (5% fans bonus, 2% sponsor bonus) (Green)
- PROFESSIONAL (10% fans bonus, 5% sponsor bonus) (Yellow)
- VETERAN (25% fans bonus, 10% sponsor bonus) (Orange)
- LEGEND (50% fans bonus, 25% sponsor bonus) (Red)

Besides the Proficiency level of each car, there’s also a Car Performance level to be weary of. Each car starts with each part (Tires, Suspension, Chassis, Engine, and Wing for Sprint Cars) at one. The base package is garbage, and you’ll need to upgrade as soon as you have the funds to the next level.
Of course, you don’t have to buy every upgrade, either. If you have the funds for a Level 4 part that currently has a Level 1 part installed, you don’t need to buy the Level 2 or Level 3 stuff. You can’t sell it back anyway, so upgrade when and where it makes sense.
It’s one lump bank account as well. If you need to moonlight in a higher series for a bit to pay for an upgrade you want for a lower series, that is doable. If you have no desires to race in one of the cars at all, well, you don’t even have to buy it, but if you do, don’t spend unnecessary amounts of money on it.
The World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing Career Mode is a fulfilling one, one that has a lot to offer that some other games just don’t. You won’t be winning out of the gate if you set it up to be a challenge. There’s a lot to do and it’s completely up to the player to decide what and when to do it.
At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to make our way to the top of the World of Outlaws. The cheeky video messages and quirky newspaper headlines add to the fun. There’s a lot left to be desired, but this is still a career mode that I would recommend.
A heads up – the folks behind the World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing title are also putting out their own guided content. I do recommend reading those articles that are coming from the source.
World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing is available now in Standard Edition ($49.99) or Gold Edition ($69.99) for the PlayStation 5 (digitally), PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S (Digitally) or Xbox One systems.
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