A new season of Trackmania is scheduled to drop on Saturday (1st April) and it is titled the Spring 2023 campaign.
There is content that will come included with the update, such as 25 new tracks and 100 more medals and trophies, and it will all be free to all Trackmania players on PC now and on PlayStation consoles or on Xbox devices when that finally happens.
While Trackmania, which is set to arrive soon on consoles, is a free-to-play title with constant updates, there are two levels of paid subscriptions – Standard and Club, that provide even more access to the title.
Events such as the Cup of the Day are not available on a free tier, and neither is Club Access, which allows the creation of private clubs and competitions.
Free players, however, can still access the seasonal campaigns that arrive every three months, and this 2023 Spring festival is included in that.

- Spring 2023 campaign is bringing to all Trackmania players 25 new tracks to race and 100 additional medals to earn for free. Creativity and fun are the motto of this Spring 2023 campaign with welcoming tracks designed for the future console players.
- Players will get a chance to unlock a new evolutive Prestige Skin by beating the campaign and Track Of The Day’s medals.
- 150+ new blocks will be available in the track editor allowing new design possibilities for creative players
- In-game improvements will allow players to choose among 2 pilot’s morphology in the garage. A new club creation UI has been created alongside a new reporting tool.
SOURCE: Ubisoft
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