There’s a new patch out for MX vs ATV Legends as of Thursday (15th December), just five days ahead of when the new Slayground DLC is slated to drop. A host of additions and improvements come included in the patch, all of which aim to continue improving the game since its initial launch back in June.
Axell ‘Slay’ Hodges is now a part of the AI Rider roster in the new patch, and some of his SlayCo. rider gear is also available to use. A ton of physics were updated as well, and the usual assortment of bugs were squashed in areas such as audio, UI, tracks and animations.
This is all likely a preload patch for the upcoming DLC content as well, so besides what’s listed in the changelog, there’s likely some other content in the backend that will unlock for those who get the DLC on the 20th of December.

The full list of patch notes directly from the MX vs ATV website have been reposted below.
- Added Best Combo, Longest Jump, and Highest Jump to HUD in Freeride
- Added a setting to adjust the Time of Day in Exhibition and Online Custom Match
- Added SlayCo. rider gear: two pairs of jerseys and pants, one set of gloves, and one helmet
- Added a Rainbow Winter Holiday gear set: two pairs of jerseys and pants
- Added colorization to all vehicle frames
- Improved AI on SX World Tour tracks and added target lap times
- Overhauled tire slip and friction physics and updated tire tuning parts
- Fixed inconsistencies in wreck conditions triggered by bad landings
- Adjusted stiff suspension tuning parts to better avoid wrecking when landing hard or casing a jump
- Adjusted flex chassis tuning parts to increase ground stability at the cost of turning ability
- Adjusted rigid chassis tuning parts to increase responsiveness on ground and in air, making it easier to whip and scrub
- Adjusted engine power characteristics of MX450F and MX250
- Improved surface audio and resolved issues causing distortion
- Fixed general audio issues causing sporadic corruption and distortion
- Fixed issue causing incorrect engine audio to play on some AI and online opponents
- Improved overall audio mix
Detailed changelog
- Animation: Improved ATV riding and stunt animations and resolved the torso twisting during some animations
- Animation: Improved MX Bike riding and stunt animations and resolved the torso twisting/jittering during some animations
- Animation: Updated Goon stunt animation to fix head in handlebars and loose feet
- Animation: Improved handle-bars steering animation blending when changing surface types
- Audio: Addressed further issues causing terrain driving sounds to become incorrect or distorted in some areas
- Audio: Addressed further issues causing distorted audio, especially music and engine audio
- Audio: Rebalanced and improved some surface audio, particularly on ramps and other metal objects
- Audio: Fixed issue causing some AI/network vehicles to use the incorrect engine audio; mostly OEM DLC bikes
- Customization: Added SlayCo. gear: 2 jerseys and pants, 1 gloves, 1 helmet
- Customization: Added Winter Holiday rider gear: 2 jerseys and pants
- Customization: Added colorization to vehicle frames (basic tinting, will be improved in future patches)
- Gameplay: Update to player positions and count when a player leaves an online match
- Gameplay: Fixed issue causing impossible lap target times, especially in SX World Tour
- Gameplay: Added Axell Hodges to AI Rider roster
- Physics: Reduced instances of wrecks on ramps caused by exceeding acceptable angle thresholds
- Physics: Overhauled tire slip and friction physics to better account for roll angle, side slip angle, and speed
- Physics: Added ability to avoid wrecks caused by leaning over too far at speed; in this state, oversteer gradually increases until a wreck occurs, the wreck can be avoided by reducing the lean angle
- Physics: Adjusted engine power characteristics of MX450F and MX250; vehicles remain competitive, but MX250 is no longer faster than MX450F in most cases
- Physics: Improved clutch response across all vehicles
- Physics: Increased lateral wreck threshold when sliding for Slip tuning tires
- Physics: Slightly increased length of clutch boost effect on all MX bikes, especially MX450F
- Physics: Adjusted tire slip physics to reduce jitteriness when landing on or taking-off from ramps
- Physics: Adjusted tire slip physics to increase friction during cornering in berms when at full tire spin and leaning
- Physics: Tweaked grip and slip tuning tires to increase overall friction
- Physics: Increased turning capabilities and overall grip of grip tuning tires
- Physics: Reduced turning capabilities of slip tuning tires and increased loss of grip during high tire-spin
- Physics: Increased performance of preload and seat-bounce of grip tuning tires, but reduced ability to scrub
- Physics: Decreased performance of preload and seat-bounce of slip tuning tires, but increased ability to scrub
- Physics: Adjusted stiff suspension tuning parts to better avoid wrecking when landing hard or casing a jump
- Physics: Adjusted flex chassis tuning parts to increase ground stability at the cost of turning ability
- Physics: Adjusted rigid chassis tuning parts to increase responsiveness on ground and in air, making it easier to whip and scrub
- Physics: Fixed bugs in wreck conditions on bad landings, particularly on high-pitched rear wheel landings and sideways landings
- Physics: Slightly increased surface friction of hard packed dirt terrain
- Tracks: Small AI improvements in tough sections in Atlanta SX
- Tracks: Fixed issue resulting in deformation being absent in Denver SX
- Tracks: Cleaned up collision on some small assets
- Tracks: Improved deformation on SX World Tour Australia tracks
- Tracks: Improved AI across all difficulties in SX World Tour tracks
- UI: Added Time of Day selection in Event Settings for Exhibition Quickplay and Time Trial and Online Custom Match
- UI: Added Best Combo, Longest Jump, and Highest Jump to HUD in Freeride to temporarily track bests during the session
- UI: Fixed a bug where some players may display 0th position before the race starts
- UI: Hide the place indicators on all players and AI until someone gets the holeshot
- UI: Fixed bug where vehicle filter appears twice in Split Screen
- UI: Fixed inconsistent deformation settings during Online race and lobby
- UI: Fixed focus and icon issues in skin tone and body menus
- UI: Fixed bug causing clutch is disabled after finishing a race and changing events
- UI: Increased resolution of Joker icon during Joker Lane Open and Joker Finish announcements
- UI: Added imposes to Online menu flow to better indicate when Game-to-Server communication is occurring
- UI: Correctly hide lap counter when setting HUD to Hidden in Gameplay Settings
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