The identity of American Truck Simulator’s latest map expansion has been revealed, as virtual truckers will soon be let loose in the state of Louisiana.
The ‘Pelican State’ takes in the varied landscapes surrounding the Mississippi River and will include the cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. The state is a melting point of Creole, Cajon, French and African cultures, which is only matched by the climate – it’s hot and humid.
Louisiana has a wide network of canals (airboats FTW!) with its location on the south coast of the USA in the Gulf of Mexico making it an ideal location for the fishing industry. The marshland and swamps in this area are massively biodiverse, attracting tourism and hunting industries.
To the north of the state are the Ozark Highlands, which ironically aren’t especially high, but are home to agriculture, forestry, coal and petrochemical industries, giving virtual truckers plenty of work to do.

But Lousiana is perhaps best known for its Mardi Gras festival, where participants overindulge on food, drink and err… other recreational activities, before the Christian season of Lent begins. Essentially, it’s like Shrove Tuesday, but with more exciting pancakes.
A release date for American Truck Simulator’s Louisiana map expansion has yet to be revealed, but it is available to Wishlist on Steam now.
Source: SCS Software’s blog
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I’ve never played this, but as a proud Who Dat/coonass raised in New Orleans: this is awesome! Hopefully they put the Causeway in it, because it is truly tedious driving:
Oh boy, that looks like an exciting drive😅